ICA Gruppen’s main operation is within in the grocery retail and is the biggest player on the market in Sweden. There business includes several digital channels as external web, e-commerce and digital solutions for shopping and payment in store. This digital ecosystem need to be continuously maintained and developed to meet customer needs  and business demands.

Approach and my role
I had the responsibility for driving the UX design within all the digital channels above. This demanded a holistic approach so to keep a consistent experience over the whole service of ICA. I worked on new concepts for their recipe site, continues development of new design for maximising conversion rate within e-commerce and improve experience with in store shopping.
• New concept for recipe site
• Continuos improvement of e-commerce flow 
• User flow mapping of in-store shopping
• Design for instore kiosks
Concept design of recepies
Use flow mapping of in store shopping app,  payment and kiosks

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